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Amanda Beauford

Thriving in Your Single Season

Whew! I’m back, yall! And we are getting really personal. I’m here to get all up in your business, in the best way possible. Are you in your single season and struggling to wait on God's best?

This post is for my single sisters, who are struggling with waiting on God’s best. I am right here walking with you. So just know when I’m speaking to you, I’m speaking to me first. I see you!

woman sitting on a blanket with a glass in her hand and a picnic basket and hat beside her. tattoo on her arm wearing green pants and white shirt. blue sky behind and tall grass is behind her

As a black Christian woman, I know that being single can be a tough road to walk. There is so much pressure from society to be in a relationship, but as Christians, we know that our relationship with God comes first. I’ve tried it the other way… it does not work. So if you're in a season of singleness, take heart and know that God has a plan for you. Being single can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging, especially if you're struggling to find happiness and fulfillment.

2 Corinthians 6:14 - "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"

It’s not enough to just want a partner or to want a marriage. On this walk, we are striving to get God’s best for everything in life, including a spouse. It’s easy to be with someone who isn’t aligned or designed to walk with you. We have all been there and done that, I’m sure, but those relationships are not as fulfilling as we imagine them to be. We often lose parts of ourselves trying to make pieces fit that God never intended to go together.

Scripture reminds us that it is vital to wait on a partner who shares your faith and values. It's important to trust in God's timing and guidance in the search for a spouse and to prioritize a strong, healthy, and God-centered relationship over rushing into marriage out of desperation, your ego, and or impatience.

During this time, settle in, focus on growing closer to God, and become the best version of yourself. Pursue your passions, chase your dreams, and don't forget to take care of yourself along the way. As you continue to grow and develop, you'll attract the right person who compliments your life and shares your values.

Whether you're recently single or have been single for a while, it's important to recognize that your feelings and challenges are normal and that there are things you can do to overcome them.

Here are some tips for finding joy and fulfillment while being single:

  • Embrace your independence: Have you always wanted to learn a new language? Take up an instrument? Travel? Being single provides an opportunity to focus on your personal growth and self-discovery. Take advantage of this time to pursue your interests, learn new skills, and build meaningful relationships with friends and family.

  • Stay connected: Loneliness is a common challenge for many single people. Decisions made out of loneliness have the potential to lead you to people who can derail and destroy your growth. To combat loneliness, make an effort to stay connected with friends and family, join social groups and clubs, and participate in community events.

  • Cultivate self-care: Self-care is important for your physical and mental well-being. Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as exercise, meditation, or a hobby. Healing old wounds through therapy can help you peel back layers of trauma from past experiences. Working to be the best version of yourself is preparation to be able to recognize the best version of someone else.

  • Find purpose and meaning: Search for a sense of purpose and meaning in your life by volunteering, pursuing a passion, or working towards a goal. Having a sense of purpose can increase your happiness and fulfillment.

  • Be patient: Finding love and companionship can take time. Don't put pressure on yourself to find a partner right away. Instead, focus on building a fulfilling life and love will come naturally.

Remember, being single is a journey, and it's important to be kind and patient with yourself as you navigate this experience. It's okay to feel unsure or overwhelmed at times, but with the right tools and support, you can find joy and fulfillment in your single life.

Proverbs 18:22 - "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord."

This verse implies that Sis, you are the prize in the relationship, and waiting for the right partner is the walk God has called us to. You don't need to go seek As believers, we are called to seek God's guidance and wait patiently for His timing in all areas of our lives, including finding a partner. We are to prioritize a God-centered relationship over rushing into marriage out of desperation or impatience. Waiting for the right partner may require faith (lots of faith at times), patience, and trust in God's plan, but it ultimately leads to a healthy and fulfilling relationship. When we find the right partner, we receive the favor of the Lord and experience the blessings that come with a God-honoring union.

The one thing that has been immensely helpful for me during my single season is having a support system. Surround yourself with friends who share your faith and values, and who will encourage you and pray for you along the way. I know… it is not easy waiting on God, but it’s also not easy going through heartbreak! Get involved with activities you enjoy. Get active in your community. Join a Bible study or Christian women's group, and you'll find that there are so many other women out there who are also navigating this season of life. Having community during the single journey has helped me not only stay busy, but it also has been so encouraging hearing the stories of other women who have been where I am or are also walking alongside me.

Sis, there is nothing wrong with you! You are beautiful, loved, worthy and so deserving. I know the enemy can creep in and try to convince us sometimes that what we desire, what God has promised, is out of reach, or that we aren't worthy of it. But remember settling for anything less than what God has for you, is the enemy’s way of keeping you disconnected from destiny. Keep praying, keep seeking His guidance, and surrender your desires to Him. He will bring the right person into your life when the time is right, and you'll be grateful for the journey you took to get there.

As always, I love you!



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