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Amanda Beauford


Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Welcome! I am so happy you have stopped by on my journey. Our paths have crossed for a reason, and I couldn’t be more excited to share this moment in time with you. This blog is designed to be a community. A home when you need shelter – soul food for when you need some comfort.

I have always had a passion for writing or creating anything really. It’s what feels right in my spirit, but this is the first time I’ve ever shared some of that with others. When I decided to start this community, I had a LOT of fear creep up. “Why would anyone want to read what you have to say?” I listened some days, stifling my progress and sinking into imposter syndrome, but ultimately God spoke to me and told me my gift would help people. I would inspire some, change others, heal someone broken, but if I didn’t start, I would never know the true potential and power in my voice.

So here I am – being obedient.

Here I will share my travel experiences, my healing journey, my weight loss journey, my fears and thoughts on the world, and maybe even a recipe here and there. It won’t always be pretty, or joyful, but it will be authentic. It will be truth, it will be – me.

I hope this space inspires you to find your voice. To do something that scares you. To chase a dream. To honor yourself and live your truth, no matter how messy it is.

You are divinely guided and loved wholly.

Thank you for being here and being you.

As always, I love you!



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